Ready Set Connect Fair Education

Telephone02 9635 7722


RICE cards

The model R.I.C.E. stands for Relationships, Interests, Connectedness, and Engagement.  We believe these four elements are essential to engage families, community, and external agencies.

By conducting an audit on our individual schools and then analysing the results as a cluster we were able to reflect on how we can develop and strengthen strategies to engage with families.

As a cluster, we determined 2 areas which all schools acknowledge would be worth exploring together. They were under the theme of engagement;

  • Co-created learning experiences which meet community member’s learning needs.
  • Design learning experiences that stretch thinking and meet community needs.

In order to explore these areas further, we are considering co-creating a learning experience for parents and community across the cluster. To support this process, we have already begun thinking about how we differentiate our communication to find out the needs of a diverse range of parents and community members, keeping in mind these 3 overarching groups

  • Parents that do engage
  • Parents that don’t engage (fear, unknown, language barriers, believe schooling is the teachers role)
  • Parents that feel they can’t engage (work commitments, transport & child care issues)